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In-Person Church has resumed!
Online services are still available

Update May 2022:

As you know, we have been gradually moving to remove restrictions here at New Life.  Regarding masks, we have been slowly moving from "masks being required" to "masks being recommended" and now to "masks being optional"!.


Starting Sunday May 1, 2022, we will be officially at "masks being optional."  So this is what we expect, there will be more people at church on Sundays without a mask but there still will be a lot of people with masks. 


Please continue to give each other grace and respect as we navigate these next few weeks together.


Covid-19 In Person Protocol:

1. If you are experiencing any of the signs of Covid-19, have come into close contact with someone who has it or have traveled outside the country within 14 days, we ask that you stay home and join us via the live stream. (see Signs and Symptoms of Covid-19) 

2. Masks are optional but not required. 

3. Several hand sanitizing stations will be available, and extra cleaning of high touch areas will be done.

4. Please refrain from handshakes and hugs as greetings. Instead offer a wave, nod, bow, smiley eyes, or smile! 

5. Our sanctuary seating has been adjusted to provide some physically distanced spacing. 

6. Washrooms (i.e. both downstairs and upstairs) will be available.

7. We will not be handing out any printed material (including the mail folders) and will project all service elements onto the screens.

8. There will be no nursery care available at this time (programs for kids ages 3 - grade 8 are running during the service).

9. We will not have coffee or beverages available before or after the service, you are invited to bring your own.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Q: How will I know if there is still space for me and my family at church?

A: The sanctuary at New Life is large, and we have plenty of space for anyone who would like to attend.


Q: What's the deal with masks?

A: Masking is optional. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable to come to church. 


Q: Where will I find the Live Stream on Sunday? 

A: Our Sunday gathering will be streamed to our YouTube account (@WorshipAtNewLife) and posted on our Facebook page and this website on the Church from Home page. 


Q: I have a question or concern that isn't addressed here. Who should I contact?

A: Please contact the church office at with any questions or concerns. We want to hear from you, so please reach out.

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