We welcome you to join us in-person on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. You can also access the live stream of the service on Church from Home.
We believe that the message of God's love and grace can be presented in many ways to draw people into worship. Our church provides a place for people to live out their faith, with opportunities to participate in worship through dance, drama, music, song, the Word, sacraments, and art. The New Life Worship Ministry Team also provides leadership for the purpose of providing inspirational worship services that reflect the vision of the church. If you would like to be involved in the drama, dance, music or art ministries at New Life please contact our Worship Coordinator. New participants are invited to join in these activities at any time throughout the year.
We gather every week to focus on God's word and to grow in grace and wisdom. The Word is presented to us by speakers who teach, encourage and challenge us in our relationships with God, the people around us, and in the world at large. The sacrament of Communion is celebrated monthly, often on the third Sunday of the month. Baptism Sundays are ordinarily celebrated on the first of the month.
To guide us in worship every Sunday, we have several teams led by worship leaders who prepare music, prayer, and meditations for each service. Our worship teams are built up of vocalists and musicians of varying abilities, each of whom is encouraged to grow through their experiences as part of the team. Occasionally, our worship is enhanced by other music groups, such as a choral group made up of members of the congregation, or a visiting team. Kid's Praise Teams also participate and are made up of elementary school-aged children, open invitations to participate are sent out periodically. The Training Band is a place for vocalists and musicians to be mentored by worship team members in preparation for joining worship teams. Please contact the Worship Coordinator for more information.
At New Life, we see the way drama and dance can complement and enhance our time of worship. We have been blessed by the involvement of children and adults in these areas and we consistently seek to identify and develop the talents of our participants. Drama, dance, sign language, dramatic readings, and flags are often used in our worship services. Flags are also available in the Fellowship Hall for personal expression of worship.
At New Life, we recognize that worshiping God with the work of hands and through creative experience is a beautiful thing. We incorporate the visual arts in our banners, projected images, paintings, bulletin covers, displays and larger art installments. New Life's ministry, Art as Worship, works within the Worship Ministry to host local artists in exhibits within the sanctuary. Through art, we attempt to convey a message that complements the Word that is brought to us in our services and reflects the liturgical season. For a list of past exhibits please visit our exhibit history
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Current Exhibit: I Was There: Whispers of Restoration - Jessie Zantingh
Artist talk from previous exhibit by Phil Irish: